HuViz 0.72.0

RDF Explorer

(currently works best in Google Chrome)


Emergent Serendipity with HuViz

The Humanities Visualizer (HuViz) interface allows for the exploration of semantic relationships and ontologies represented using the Resource Description Framework.

You can load your own ontology and/or dataset, or you can chose to explore one of the existing datasets available on the Command panel to explore the information and relationships encoded in the textbase Orlando: Women's Writing in the British Isles from the Beginnings to the Present. For example, Huviz allows for the exploration in RDF triples that assert things like

In addition to datasets, HuViz is also able to display ontologies, the formal definition of things and relationships. Supported extensions are: .jsonld, .nq, .nquads, .nt, .n3, .trig, .ttl, .rdf and .xml